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3D AG Molecules
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Meet the 3D AG Team

Reach out to our Experts

George Müller, President & Owner at 3D AG

George Müller

President & Owner

Martina Müller CEO at 3D AG

Martina Müller


Ourance Al Enezi

Head of Sales

Vincent Quero

Head of Marketing & Growth

Corinne Ulrich

Office Manager

Ornela Cumplido, Marketing Manager at 3D AG

Ornela Cumplido

Marketing Manager

Label Production Manager​

Snezana Hunziker

Label Production Manager​

Adam Mazur, Research Engineer

Adam Mazur

Research Engineer

Dr. Igor Zhurminsky

Research Scientist, PhD

Head of Graphic Design at 3D AG

Oliver Michelotti

Head of Graphic Design

Zdenko Adzaip, Head of UV Recombination

Zdenko Adzaip

Head of UV Recombination

Mario Schmidle, Electroforming Specialist at 3D AG

Mario Schmidle

Electroforming Specialist

Bernardo Cardoso, Label Specialist

Bernardo Cardoso

Security Label Specialist

Berislav Djotlo, Head of Thermo Recombination

Berislav Djotlo

Head of Thermo Recombination

Emin Krizevac, Laser & Welding Specialist AT 3D AG

Emin Krizevac

Laser & Welding Specialist

Arthur Tessmann, Project Coordinator

Arthur Tessmann

Project Coordinator

3D AG Molecules

....and many more.

To contact the rest of the team,
please use the following details:

We operate aligned to our team values & brand characteristics.

  1. Dynamic X Precise
  2. Creative X Collaborative
  3. Digital X Human

We invest into a sustainable future!

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3D in Numbers

Fun Facts about 3D AG's Team

Office Dogs
Average Employment
0 years
Average Age